February 26, 2009

I am TOOOOO Cute

Sorry it has been so long since the last blog. Things have been crazy around here. We went to Myrtle Beach, SC to celebrate my 30th b-day. We had so much fun. We went go-carting, ate lunch at Margaritaville and topped the day off at the indoor water park at the hotel room we stayed at. On the 23rd I turned 30 and Avery turned 4 mos. I can't believe it ahs been that long already. So enough about me, Avery has really found her voice and every minute she is awake we hear vowel sounds AAAAAAAAAA, OOOOOOOOOOOH, and all sorts of other silly baby noises. She is growing out of clothes like they are going out of style. She always has a smile unless she is hungry or can't breathe through her stuffy nose.

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