May 18, 2010

So I have about 6mos of catching you up on all of the exciting things that have been going on. Avery is now running and talking our ears off. She is repeating and mimicking everything we do. (so now we really have to watch what we say and do) She loves to read books, play outside, eat chocolate and shop for shoes. She is all girl!!! She hated the snow we got this winter and loves sweet tea. Avery is my little southern bell, no yankee in her at all. She just gets sweeter and sassier by the day. Avery hates getting dirty and thinks it is a big deal when she touches a leaf or a flower. Shoes, Chocolate, Side (outside), Eat-eat and bye-bye are her favorite words. She loves elmo and dora. Jason bought her a pair of Dora crocks she refuses to take off, even though they're too big for her. She is coming into her own with a sassy, silly and sweet personality. Avery has been soooo much fun I can wait for the terrible 2's! I download most of her recent photos on my facebook account but I will post as many as I can to catch up. Sorry for the delay but we have been so busy.