October 13, 2009

1 yr Pictures

I will get these new pictures out in the mail as soon as I can or will give them to you at the party. These are just too cute not to share! Hope y'all have enjoyed watching Avery grow her first year, I will keep up on the posts as much as I can with new pictures. Love, Emily

October 9, 2009

Avery and Friends

Avery hangin with big girls. She loves to play with Madison and Lindsey.

October 3, 2009

Silly Girl

Well, we are on 1st Birthday Party Countdown. It doesn't seem possible already. Avery has grown leaps and bounds within the past month. She is eating what mommy eats, crawling faster than the speed of light, and getting more brave by the day trying to walk. She giggles when she is up to no good and chases chewie all over. (that poor dog is very tolerant) We took her to the beach today for the first time and she is very scared of the water, but loved to play with the seashells. Her new favorite food is ice cream, she can't get enough.