July 20, 2009

Just One more

I had to add just one more picture because you can see her 2 bottom teeth!

4th of July and others....

Avery was not feeling good on the 4th, but we still lit her first sparkler! She is trying to crawl (she can only go backwards), but she loves to pull herself up. Avery would rather stand than sit or crawl. Jason and I got her a walker that she is too short for, poor thing, but she loves to sit in it and play with the toys. She will be 9 months old this week, and the time has gone by way too fast. I know I keep repeating myself but - Oh My Goodness!!! It has gone by too fast! I am trying to figure out how to download a video because she loves to stand at her table and boogie. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen. Daddy got her a slinky to play with and she loves it!!! Gracie is soo big. She crawls really fast and wants to run as long as she has your fingers.