January 31, 2009

Cold Weather

My Girl does not like cold weather. She is definately a beach baby. She is getting soo big now. Avery smiles a lot and is always chewing on her her index finger. She is starting to find her voice and let me tell you she is a little chatterbox. Once she starts you cannot get her to stop. She has such a sweet raspy little voice.

January 16, 2009

The Girls got together for Jason's Birthday- yes Avery has jeans up to her armpits. Clothes are either too big or too smal. She got cool sunglasses for Christmas. She turned 12 weeks yesterday but is not considered 3 months until the 23rd. I am still trying to understand this counting thing. She is getting sooo big and everyday is a new adventure and something fun to discover. Avery really likes sticking her tongue out now, making silly faces, smiling really big (especially at daddy), and making really loud noises. I taught her how to kick and splash in the tub, she even made up her own dance she has to stick her tongue for. She is just way tooo much fun and getting cuter every day. We are trying to brave this 19 degree weather we are having today. I hope everyone started 2009 on a good note and have a good week.