December 30, 2008

Avery's 1st Christmas

She new there was excitement, but that was about it. Avery just went about her business as usual and slept alot of the day. she opened a few of her presents. She opened presents in the morning, mommy and daddy had to wait for her to wake. We were way more excited that she was, and ended up sound asleep in her swing. But she is was the best present of all!!!!!!

December 18, 2008

Merry Christmas

Avery is 2 months old today and she is wonderful. It is soo neat to watch her discover everything. Last night was her uncle dean's birthday and avery and gracie were telling each other what they wanted for x-mas, (unlike last time when they slept and drooled on each other). The girls are getting so big. We can't wait to do presents next week but next year will be more fun.

December 12, 2008

Miss Avery will be 2 months old next week. She has gone from a fragile little being to actual tiny little person. She smiles and tries to laugh, but the baby noises are soooooo cute and more frequent. Her eyes keep getting more blue everyday, but we can't tell what color her hair is going to be. It has gone from very dark brown to auburn to almost a light brown now. She is just waaaaay tooo cute. She has no idea about Christmas but she loves the lights on the tree and she stares at her pink stocking. Merry Christmas or Happy Kwanza (whichever you prefer) from the Walton Family.

December 1, 2008

We had a very successful Thanksgiving. Avery slept thru just about the whole thing. I ate enough for the both of us, that's for sure!!! We made it thru the day with her pretty dress on. She is staying awake longer and starting to sleep longer. Most people only see her sleeping. I hope y'all had a great Thanksgiving and don't stress yourself out shopping for Christmas.