November 20, 2008

Avery is 1 month old today. Time flies when you have fun or don't get much sleep. We've got the eating thing almost down to a science. She had problems with the formula and gas and other baby eating issues. She probably has gained about 2 lbs. since we have started on a new formula, so that would bring her to about 10 lbs. - My Little Chunky Monkey. She has learned to work the system. For example she has a fake cry she does when we burp her. She is getting better about taking a bath and she is learning to make those cute baby talk noises. Avery can hold her head up very well but she is a bobble head. We hope everyone has a very Happy Thanksgiving.

Avery's first Halloween was not very successful. She was in her mummy outfit for all of 20 minutes before she decided to projectile her lunch all over it. She was really really cute though.

November 11, 2008

Well Miss Avery is now 2 weeks old and it has been a learning process for all of us. We have had issues with the gas from the formula but hopefully we have everything worked out. She gained almost a pound at her 2 week check up yesterday and only grew a 1/4 of an inch. She is right where she is supposed to be though. Avery is trying really hard to hold her head up and hold her own bottle. She is girl who knows what she wants and when she wants it. She has mastered throwing her passy across the room when she is mad. She is a funny, fiesty girl. I'm having trouble downloading pictures today but I will get some up as soon as the computers cooperate.