October 28, 2008

They Finally Meet!?!?

The Cousins met yesterday for the first time and neither one could really care less that the other one was there. They both cried, ate, pooped and slept some more. They really are way too cute.

October 26, 2008

Home At Last

We made it home very late Friday night. I got lots of visitors on Saturday. Uncle Kenny loves my "rocker" look. Chewie is the best big brother but he gets very tired running around checking on me. So far I love my swing and my car seat. I like to smile, blow spit bubbles when I sleep, poot on whoever holds me and stick my tongue out at you. I do not like sponge baths and getting my diaper changed. I love when daddy feeds me and sings to me. My favorite is all of the kisses I get on my chubby cheeks. Mommy keeps calling me "chunky monkey" (could it be the cheeks?) and daddy calls me "beautiful". I like that better. Mommy will write soon and ya'll keep an eye out for more picutres- Daddy has always got that thing flashing at me. I can't to meet all of you soon. Miss Avery

Here I am about 12 hours old. The nurse gave me a mohawk cause it just looks cute. I try to keep my eyes open to see my momma and just to make sure I don't miss anything.

I am FINALLY here!!!!

Here I am- ready to take on the world with my crazy hair and chubby cheeks.

October 21, 2008

Due Date

Today is October 21st. Little miss walton was supposed to be here by now. She has dropped but other than that there is no progress to report. If I do not go into labor this week, the drs will induce me next monday and we will go from there. Hope all is well and you'll hear from us soon. Emily

October 3, 2008

AHHHHHH!!! I am going to be a BIG BROTHER in less than 15ish days.

Avery's Room

Everyone was a little frightened when I told them the colors of her room are Poisey Pink, Ironwood Brown and Tropical Mango, but would you expect anything less?!?!?

Our New Floors

We got our new floors put in last week and LOVE THEM!! Chewie is having a hard time walking on them. He can't figure out why his feet are so slippery now. Everything is complete around the house now, just waiting on baby girl.